This is really difficult to set up, so please apologise for the inconvenience. I can only sum up briefly my issues:
I cannot take over people from previous stages automatically, only from the last one. So all winners from previous rounds need to confirm again. Now, the problem is, some didn't reply, some just rejected. That leaves some positions open which I can now try to fill with other participants. I have done this for all narrow misses of ChosenWizard, Silent82 and Carbon14. This was not enough, however. On top, while sending out the invitations, the tournament is "public", so everyone else can join, which is really not the intention. I cannot block this however, so I have to check on each and every one (in theory) whether they deserve their spot or not. I have not done this and instead relied on the sequence of application, i.e. I checked the last ones in the list until I got to someone surely qualified. I kicked out all surplus players, but remained short 3 players. These I accepted although they don't really deserve their spot. The players are: Alienchick, Nigma and balarithon. Without them we couldn't continue, so I decided to give them a chance. However, I'll apply tougher rules: They need to win their game in order to continue. Second place is not enough. In case they come second I'll promote the third place in that game. It is not an ideal solution, but I hope you can accept it.
Unless CGE change their tournament features accordingly, I'll not play such a tournament again. Straightforward elimination
works fine, though, and this is where we're now at. So let the games begin, good luck everyone!