silent_x111 created the tournament on 2021-04-25
MTC234P Season3
It's lovely to be invited to this tournament! But I'm afraid the tournament description on the CGE website is not very clear to me. What actually is it?
Is the start of each of the 11 games staggered? Is it a completely open tournament, or invite-only? I'm aware of silent_x111's standing in the community of top players, but what exactly is the MTC234P tournament?
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Hi Cyphen (as well as everyone here):
Welcome to MTC! This is a 3-stage tournament, and each group will have a certain number of players (roughly 20%-25%) progressing to the next stage. silent is currently working on the exact details of Season 3, and I am a moderator for the time being. We don't hold any type of ranking systems within the tournament, but each season, the winner of the final stage --- or the second place, if silent himself wins --- will gain access to the bonus games with silent, as described up there.
This is an open tournament. We sent out invitations to those who did well in previous seasons of MTC or in Pajada's International, since, as you see, we still need more players to get everything started. We might keep sending those invitations but the tournament itself is completely open.
Within a stage, your games are usually launched in 3 batches each consisting of 3 or 4 games. Ideally the games are prepared as randomly as possible, but TTA has some trouble randomizing games for large groups of players, so you might encounter the same opponent(s) in more than one game (we apologize if this sounds uncomfortable).
Thanks for joining MTC, and have fun!
Thank you for the more in-depth explanation, sqwndw. I suppose I'll wait until more details are hammered out, before I accept/decline my tournament invitation. Once it's known how rapidly each of the games in a stage will be started, I'll have a better idea if the tournament is "spread out" enough to allow me to give it a reasonable amount of attention.
Best of luck, everyone!
Hi and thanks for the invite.
I will not be able to commit play TTA this summer, so I declined.
And silent which other games?! XD
invalidName ROOT, it is a very interesting 4P games, and it also comes with a perfect app in both cellphone & steam. Splendor, it is a hot game in BGA now, and a lot of girls like it And other games with my friends in Yucata (an online boardgame platform), like Grand Austria Hotel, Azul, Carcassonne H&G, The Castles of Burgundy. They are not so competive like TTA, but still have fun
Delete me please! Don’t want to play in it.
Hi, does anyone know how the matchmaking algorithm works? I wonder how it can happen that I get exactly the same opponents in all 4 of my 4p games (JamesH, Ptarr, Marassi)? Seems highly unlikely if it is determined randomly...
totsilence Hi, it is Random. I agree with you the CGE random algorithm is not good enough now. Maybe they can make it better in future. But anything can happen to anyone. So it is still fair.
Auch 6th place…worst place to finish :-) (on 1 point)
Stage 2 has been launched! Since we didn't specify a tie-breaking rule in the description, we allowed a few more players ​to enter Stage 2 than originally planned. Specifically:
- In Stage 1, groups 3, 4 and 7 each had two players tying for the 5th place, and both were admitted.
- To ensure that Stage 2 has an even number of players, we then looked for a best 6th place, in terms of tournament score, across all eight groups. Coincidentally, two players from Group 1 tie for that slot with 31 points.
- We looked further for the next best 6th place, and it was from Group 8.
In conclusion, there are now 6 extra players in Stage 2, and the group size has been increased from 20 to 23.
Good luck!
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The stage 3 will start after the stage 1 of offical tournament is almost finished. Good luck!
@all Thanks for the game!
Congratulations dazzy! Thank you for organizing, silent. GGs all