Lanewalkerx Hello!
I control the number of games in Play. I try to keep at least three games going simultaneously in each group. Occasionally there will be more or less depending on how on top of the situation I am and whether or not that particular group is behind or ahead of the rest of the field. If a group gets behind, they may find themselves playing four or five games at once.
I'm not sure I can give you a good answer on how long it will take. My previous two incidents of this tournament are still going on. Ask me again in six months and I should have a good answer.
In the first tournament, we had the three continent problem - we had Australians Europeans and North Americans. That tournament started in April and believe it or not, has not concluded yet. See my explanation above about the time zone issues.
Now that we have excluded the Australians and Asians I expect things to go much faster. However, I would suspect that the range will be somewhere between 2 and 3 months, possibly 4.
Thank you for your questions and consideration of the other players. Perhaps I will see you in a future instace of this format. I created it because it is the kind of tournament I want to play in, therefore I should keep running them for the foreseeable future.