Hi @Olesch, I'm hoping players will remain in the spirit of the tournament, but I do know mistakes can happen. This is a challenge for sure with this kind of tournament and we have a few ways to mitigate this.
If a player plays an aggression or war that player will be disqualified. For the remaining players, there will be a couple of options:
- CGE can support in rewinding a turn if a war or aggression is played. Ideally the disqualified player would then resign, or finish the game within the tournament rules.
- If the disqualified player does not resign/continues to play aggressions then we have 2 options:
-If the game is near completion and there is a clear winner (agreed by the remaining players in the game), the winner will receive 2 points and remaining peaceful player will receive 1 point.
-If the game is still competitive, we will arrange a 1v1 for the remaining peaceful players. Winner receives 2 points and second place receives 1 point.
If any war or aggression is played in your game, please reach out to majondorTTA@gmail.com and I will arrange a solution with the remaining players.