Sektat I'm not gonna change a single line of my play. As I've said, this was a mere accident due to the terrible condition I was in. I'm already ahead in the game, I was 10 strength points weaker, I had no reason to war like that, I was only testing my strength after building units and revealing tactic. Anyway, the other players already overextended their good faith and ate some of their reserve time while we're waiting for a response. Now I'm chewing away my time for a bit longer, if I don't get a response until tomorrow morning, I guess I'll have to deal with the consequence of being reckless.

    wittr mistakes like that sometimes happen. I will not rewind your the game to the state before the game and also you will not receive any penalty for this action as it was mistake. It looks you are still in a good position and can even win the game.

      Am I just misunderstanding the schedule for this tournament:

      "So eight games in total for each player; they are started in three batches (with 10 days intervals): first the 4-player games, then the 3-player games, then the 2-player games."

      "Stage 1 will start on January 15"

      I admit I wasn't taking too much notice what tournament my active games were in until I suddenly found myself flooded with 11 games (inc Intermezzo) in which to make a turn today so that is my fault, but my understanding of the above schedule would be that one set of games starts on 15th January, then the next on 25th January, then 4th February for the final set of games to start. How come then that all 8 games are already taking place? Is my interpretation just wrong?

      It's not a big deal, just seemed like a huge number of games at once so I went to look at the schedule which I hadn't really read beforehand because it is usually fine.

        Glamdring you are right I made a mistake 🙁 I started second batch after 7 days and third batch after 14 days. I will keep the promised schedule in next stages.

          No problem! Just wanted to check 🙂

            Hi there, I’ve got a game—Group 62 game 2, 2 player with Teraspena—in which they’ve been turned into an AI. Apparently they timed out. I’m not able to continue the game though. It says “check the game,” and the game crashes the app every time I load it. How should we proceed?

              tiggaplease I asked CGE support and they think game was broken also in your opponent's turn. They rewind the game to his political phase. Please contact in case any problems with your game happens.

                Hello, Group 146 Game2 : there is this red message saying consistency check failed. What are our options ?

                  Group 91 game 8 failed consistency check. Bug reported

                    Group 110. KapitanTom left several bots. Please exclude him for future tournaments.

                    pajada I found that two people win when they share the same score.World Championship #2 Group 78 game 1.

                    isman Seconded. Playing very slowly for multiple turns and then abandoning is not great for the others in the group

                    NoswordKnight same score is a draw, both players got 2 points for that game, only in table it looks like they both win (this is known issue)

                      chrislear I will remove all players who run out of time at least twice from future World Championships.

                        I had a consistency check error over the weekend and the game timed out so is gone for me now.

                        Also, this has turned out to be way too many games for me, can I withdraw after my existing games finish?

                          GamesClaw hi, this tournament is demanding, sorry to hear it is too much for you. You can of course withdraw.

                            Sry for my ignorance, I don't know how the scoring is as it is. I'm wondering what you think of the situation: Two players A & B both have a 1st and 2nd in the two 4p games. Player A has three 1st in 3p, one 1st in 2p and two 2nd in 2p. Player B has three 1st in 2p, one 1st in 3p and two 2nd in 3p. So they both have 3-0 and 2-1 record in 3p & 2p but reversed, yet Player B finished 2 pts ahead. Surely the 3-0 in 3p is worth more than 3-0 in 2p? I understand the perspective that two 2nd in 3p is worth more than two 2nd in 2p, but I don't see how that is a greater difference than three 1st in 3p over three 1st in 2p.

                            I'm finally able to log into the site to post here. I've emailed, and twice tried to contact support about these issues. I recently timed out of game 3 of my tournament games because of an issue where the client would crash every single time I opened the game. This happened in 2-3 of my games this tournament, but luckily in the other two I was able to find times where I was able to take my turns.

                            Other times the server was just down. And when I tried to log in to notify the organizers on this forum, I was unable to log into my account, or it logged me into someone else's account who I had never played with before. I don't know how that's possible, but it happened. Is there any way to get my 2p game back to where it was? If not, what will happen? I don't think that I should be penalized by a server error.

                              fugg Scoring paragraph of the rules states how scoring are done. And indeed 2p matches are worth a lot of points. It is as it is