Sry for my ignorance, I don't know how the scoring is as it is. I'm wondering what you think of the situation: Two players A & B both have a 1st and 2nd in the two 4p games. Player A has three 1st in 3p, one 1st in 2p and two 2nd in 2p. Player B has three 1st in 2p, one 1st in 3p and two 2nd in 3p. So they both have 3-0 and 2-1 record in 3p & 2p but reversed, yet Player B finished 2 pts ahead. Surely the 3-0 in 3p is worth more than 3-0 in 2p? I understand the perspective that two 2nd in 3p is worth more than two 2nd in 2p, but I don't see how that is a greater difference than three 1st in 3p over three 1st in 2p.
World Championship #2
I'm finally able to log into the site to post here. I've emailed, and twice tried to contact support about these issues. I recently timed out of game 3 of my tournament games because of an issue where the client would crash every single time I opened the game. This happened in 2-3 of my games this tournament, but luckily in the other two I was able to find times where I was able to take my turns.
Other times the server was just down. And when I tried to log in to notify the organizers on this forum, I was unable to log into my account, or it logged me into someone else's account who I had never played with before. I don't know how that's possible, but it happened. Is there any way to get my 2p game back to where it was? If not, what will happen? I don't think that I should be penalized by a server error.
fugg Scoring paragraph of the rules states how scoring are done. And indeed 2p matches are worth a lot of points. It is as it is
- Edited
gorozei-12ans I understand, the rules are set, I'm not trying to change the scoring for this tournament. However for future tournies I think it could improve - the 2p are weighted too heavily in my opinion. Perhaps you could score 1 pt for every opponent you beat, 1 bonus pt for finishing 1st in 3p, 2 bonus pts for finishing 1st in 4p. Then Player A would finish 2 pt ahead of Player B in my example above, which makes sense because that is the difference in difficulty of wins (two extra wins in 3p instead of 2p). So scoring would be:
2p: 1-0
3p: 3-1-0
4p: 5-2-1-0
fugg In your example, I prefer the scoring as is. While Player A lost two 2p games, Player B didn't simply "lose" two 3p games, they got 2nd. If they had fully lost and gotten 3rd, they would have found that fully losing a 3p is more bad than fully losing a 2p. In addition, it's plausible A's wins were influenced by player C's choices, whereas player B's 2p wins were not, so maybe value B's wins more. So my opinion is that dropping one rank in a 3p should cost less points than a full loss in a 2p.
If the goal is to make 2p, 3p, and 4p skill all equally important, the case could certainly be made for minor tweaks. (Maybe a 3rd 4p game, or 3-0 scoring in 2p.) But is perfect equality the goal? In International, it's more important to be good at 4p than 3p, and that's simply a valid tournament design choice.
This is a nerd game, so I'll bring math into it... If you randomly select from [0,2,5], the standard deviation is 2.05. Randomly selecting from [0,4] has a standard deviation of 2.0 and 3p is actually more important than 2p. So if the goal is to best approximate perfect equality of 2p, 3p, and 4p, the current design is as perfect as it gets.
Help! Game 8 Group 134
Hi Pajada, how long will it be until the start of the next stage?
We are ready to go. Thank you again pajada for being so helpfull with TTA players.
Hey pajada, thanks for hosting this tournament. Could you remove me from future invites, please? Thank you.
DaemonCleaner hi, you ended 3rd in Stage 1, so you are not continuing in this tournament. That means you should not get any invites to World Championship #2.
BastionvonRaven write e-mail to where you describe the issue and write the name of the game. They will fix it.
Please check group 105 game 11
cbend37 sent 5 military units to colonize being under a war in round 18 and gave all culture to maxolino
Could you remove me from this tournament? Sorry I don't have enough time to continue. Thanks!
pajada I just realized Bastion was talking about my event, I dont know how it happened but I seeded a single event and both Civil Unrest and Inhab Terri II showed up. And now when I check future deck I see the actual Impact card I played along with an "age III Armed Intervention played by Conficius" the problem is Bastion accused me of cheating, yet this is simply a bug and I dont think it is a proper attitude to accuse someone because of a minor software failure.
ChosenWizard yes it is bug. Were you able to get support from the e-mail mentioned in my previous post? What's the situation with this game?
In Group31 Game6 ,I declared a war ,but I didnt want to do that (i only have 11 military) It was a mistake by accident(
i want to know may i cancel it(
BitterBlossom because it happened in 2p game and you are the only one who will be affected by this mistake you can't cancel your move. If it would be allowed it will open Pandora box of different problems. Mistakes happen, I'm sorry it was in World Championship.
pajada Yep, they replied. However the game was in late Age III and we finished it. Support team still might want to check it for possible future bugs