Premier League
If I have no hope of winning and choose to resign the game, the score is 0 or -2?
Wanderlust 0 points, resignation is part of the game. -2 points is only for timeouts
Will there be more than 200 players for next season of Premier League? I believe the tournament is accepted and well organized.
Kenvi so does that mean a player will always get 2 pts if their opponent get timed out?
justnomame Yes. Every case where the player loses to the bot will be changed to a win. All details will be described in the spreadsheet.
Kenvi alright tysm for the info.
Mark0n If two or more players have the same number of points, the following rules will apply: Number of wins. If equal, number of wins against players with the same number of points. If equal (e.g. three players have one win against each other), the number of abandoned games, and if the score is still equal, I'll check the difference in culture points in matches against players with the same number of wins. If there is still a tie, a draw will be held
Thank you for your reply. Another question is whether the resignation is regarded as the abandoned game. I'm concerned about that, because it's very likely that more than one of us will end up with the same score in this group, and I resign one game.
Something wrong with the result of my game Premier League 4th Division (A) game 23. I didn't have time out
Wanderlust No, resignation is not regarded as the abandoned game. Only timeout will be treated as abandonment
Hi Kenvi. There's a game in my division, code KOMADURE. The opponent timed out, so if AI is ignored in scoring then Dayvs was supposed to be given a win. However he lost against a bot. So the final scoring of the division should've been bith him and me 14pts, but he won a game against me, so he should've been named winner of our division.
We still both move a division upwards, but I'm always for fair play, and he should get the credit of finishing 1st. So you can update the result in the spreadsheet
Hi, can I be removed from season 2. (I'm assuming that if I play season 1, I'm automatically enrolled in the next season, but maybe thats not the case..). I like the format btw, but just no time to play anymore.