pajada created the tournament on 2023-12-27

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20 days later

Record-breaking 1120 players signed for 🏆 World Championship 2024 🏆. To allow all players to compete me and CGE decided to add extra stage - 384 players which weren't in top 1000 of Glicko or their experience level in the app was not good enough will compete in 96 groups of 4 players where top 3 players advance and the 4th player is eliminated. Other 736 players are advancing without playing in the stage 1.
To speed up the tournament to able to finish it in 2024 we also shortened the delay when 3-player games (7 days) and 2-player games (14 days) are started. My expectation is that each stage should now take 35-40 days to finish.
Good luck, have fun and lead the best civilizations!

pajada Thanks for creating the tournament. Sadly in my group one player seems not to be interested to make his moves. What will happen in such unfortunate situation? Seems it is not possible to disqualify the "player" even though he is almost 19h over his time limit.

    Sorry, I am new to this. How do I join the tournament? Its it too late?

      Hi, I am regretfully starting to realise I don't have the time for so many games. What would be the best way for me to withdraw from the tournament?

        4 days later

        Did this start? I am not sure how to join the game if it did. Can someone help?

          Snucka yes, it started on January 16, you can't join anymore but there will be similar championship next year.

          We decided to not protect players who ran out of time and instead improve the quality of the tournaments for the others. New rule about time outs has been added:

          ⌛ Time outs:
          If a player has ran out of time in all games from a previous batch then all games from the future batches where he or she should play will be deleted.
          This rule try to improve a quality of the tournament for other players to keep the number of games where AI is involved on a minimum.

            I got 2 notifications now that the tourney has started, but I still don’t see any games in my game list. Am I missing something?

              HomerJr you are automatically advancing to Stage 2 of the tournament which will start around second half of February.

              pajada I had joined the tournament but I didn’t know how to join the group or game. Guess I am timed out now! Maybe I’ll try again next year! Thanks

              Hey pajada,

              One of my games is bugged (Group 91, Game 8). We're bidding on colonies and the game status just says "Check the game". The player whose turn it is had entered a bid, however the other player (Cromlech) and myself are unable to enter our bids. I get the spinning globe then the arrows disappear but the hourglass remains and if I minimise the colony window it tells me I still need to make a bid. I've tried restarting the game and playing on different computers but since this is happening to Cromlech too I'm sure the issue isn't on my end. I've sent a support request through so hopefully they can resolve it, but what will we do if it won't allow us to continue?

                All sorted! CGE responded very quickly!

                  Snucka I think as many others you got automatically qualified for stage 2.

                  7 days later

                  Can I drop out of the tournament? I really don’t want to continue and I don’t want the next round group I would be in to be impacted.

                  I need to check the glicko rating - where would I find the rating. Most importantly which games does the rating include?

                    Would it be possible to have fewer simultaneous games in the future stages of the tournament? Having 5 tournament games going at the same time with the same opponents was very confusing.
                    Perhaps it could be limited to 3 simulatenous games, one 4p, one 3p, and one 2p? That would be more manageable, and 4p, 3p, and 2p games are paced differently enough that it would be easier to keep them distinct in players' minds (or at least mine, haha).

                    monsieurt unfortunately it is not possible time-wise - with a current timeline one stage lasts around 40 days and we need to finish the whole tournament in 2024. Players are really different in their speed. Some are able to finish 3-player game in a week, some needs more than month for it.

                    7 days later

                    Hi, what happens to sjgardner3’s spot in the next round? I’m guessing someone will take their spot, as they finished in 3rd place in their group. Will the spot go to the 4th place player in that group regardless of number of points, will the best 4th place finisher get it, or are there other rules? I’m currently tied for the best 4th place finish (group 36) with 12 points, so I’m still holding out hope that I may qualify for the second round. If you go by points gathered, how do you separate between me and the other guy who had 12 points (group 75). I tied the 3rd place finisher in my group, and got 4th place because of a tie-breaker. The other 4th place finisher with 12 points were three points out of 3rd place in their group. I also won two games to that person’s one. Of course some 4th place finisher in the few groups that haven’t finished playing yet may score more than our 12 points.