Shadowiscool500 created the tournament on 2024-04-01

Any rough estimate on when the games start?

    Probably around late April, after the season 2 finals are complete.

      Cool, thanks

        a month later

        Hi, in Group 13 Game 2 / FAVUZOJO, a pact is created between 2 people on the opponent team. Should we consider they already resign? Do we need to finish the rest of the game?

          23 days later


          Sorry for the very delayed response. I see you decided to play the game out. You didn't have to, you could have resigned and got a 100-0 win automatically. However, since you played the game out and still won by a much larger amount, that can be your official score for this game.

          If you have discord you should consider joining the official TTA server. I'm on there almost daily and get notifications if you send me a message, so you're much more likely to get a faster response from me on there. I will try to be better about checking here in the future though as well.

            15 days later

            Group 10, Team 4
            ThonosP left a bot. Do we already won?

              isman If the other team has 1 player resign or abandon into a bit then you are given a free win 100-0. If you want to play it out you may, but it will still count as a win regardless.

                11 days later

                admin Hi, match admin. Need to report an issue, game 'ZINISOMO' , after I bid for colony, my count down time is still running, and the game is still asking me to take actions, please help take a look of this bug.

                a month later

                admin Hi admins. In group 7, game 6, my buddy didn't received any app notification for game start. So he's gone "time out". Our opponents agreed on restarting game. We are at turn 2! Is it possible? We want to play this tournament. Thx!

                  a month later

                  Baso Hi, apologies for not responding sooner. At this point it's obviously too late, but I don't think the results of your game would have changed the outcome of the standings much anyways.

                    FirstOfDao I'm not able to solve these types of problems myself, you have to contact CGE directly. There should be a way to report bugs like this in the app.

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