wolvs created the tournament on 2024-06-06
admin came here to ask the same question
When my opponent times out, should I finish against AI? Do you know they timed out, and if I end up losing to AI, is the scoring aware and still gives me a win?
dannymcbride yes, you will win anyway. You may lose or resign but not abandon the game
Hi, why in Knight 3 divisions, it's not a 3-way tie for 2nd place ? Each one of us, have exactly 1-1 vs 2 others. Thanks for the explanation.
demainlesdauphins hi! For the first season I made a decision to break in-group ties only in Marquesses groups and higher. I think it would be enough slots in next season to promote all of us in your particular case, so we didn’t need this tiebreaker.
When fighting over a colony,I'm running out of time by counting my time,how to solve
NoswordKnight you can ask support within app, in discord https://discord.com/channels/358698681672925195/709769994296229999 or by email digitaltesters@czechgames.com
Hi wolvs, count me out for this season. My patience for the RNG in 1v1 has been depleted. Sorry for the incovenience.
Jaracz ok, your 4th game will be started tomorrow untied (you may resign or just play friendly game), all further games will be cancelled, so you will finish last with 0-0 record.
wolvs Wolvs, 5th game also started as usual. Cancel the next ones please. Thanks!
Jaracz Yes, I know. I have some delays on support side, but still all your games will be canceled even if they have been started or finished
Nitrosaurus24 sorry, I haven't caught what question you have exactly
I have a friend want to join the Royal League, is there any link for registration? @wolvs
FirstOfDao Winter season is now open for registration. We will start in 3 weeks.
Hello, Has the first game of winter season started yet?
Tandeta Not yet. I need some tech support but it´s been postponed due to holidays. Hopefully we will start soon
Hi wolves, Thanks for organizing this fun league! My question has to do with playoff matches for double promotion in Knight this season. Looks like there will be two to four spots available with four to twelve 12 point finishers. How will the playoff matches be structured?
Thanks again!
AdumbusPrime First of all X non-defeated players will get double promotions. Remaining spots (presumably 5-X) will be decided on tie-breakers among GROUP WINNERS with 1 game lost. In your particular case you finished 2nd in you group (losing head-to-head to your opponent) so you can get only standard promotion.
wolvs Thanks so much for your detailed answer wolvs and for running such a fun league. 😄