LaoHuang created the tournament on 2020-05-26
Why are there two WTC4P tournaments?
i accidentally rejected the WTF2P tournaments, can you invite me again? thank you !
bach0910 me too i guess we need to contact CGE, Lao gave here a link but it leads to 4p
Hi i don’t want to play the 2 tournament championship. Can I quit?
Hi Lao, I think the scoring in the description is different from the tourney scoring. Currently, you will receive from 1st to 4th +10, +6, +3 and +1. In your description you say that you will receive +7, +3, 0, -2. What is the correct scoring?
vaLfizzL Thanks for your question,this system can't set7,3,0, -2, so we set 10,6,3,1. The7,3,0,-2 is right.
hello im playing in group 12. how was the tie break decided? myself and another player have the same points, but im ranked first
I realize I never got an invite for the 2,4,6,8 tourney, which should now have started. Is it possible to add me, at least for the next sessions?
I need to spend more time in my life and this tournament will be suspended. so sorry.
No problem 🙂 You have the right priorities! There's many tournaments to choose from, thanks for all your time organizing the WTC in several seasons!
I'm sorry, but I need to leave the tournament. Hope to join you again in the future.
So is this tournament suspended indefinitely?