LaoHuang created the tournament on 2020-05-26
WTC4P 2021 Season
Why is there two different tournaments for 4p 2021? And should I join both?
Is starting position completely random? I got 4th spot in 3 out of my 4 games and the other one 3rd. Would be good if it would be possible to make that more fair and distribute evenly across players.
Wondering same thing, looks like season 2 is random grouping. I thought it would be seeded from season 1 results?
Hardco resigned after I declared war on him, and should be banned or disqualified from competition.
I need to spend more time in my life and this tournament will be suspended. so sorry.
LaoHuang I am sorry to hear that. I hope you are doing fine and that you get things sorted out. Good luck!
Lothar This is a good thing. If I was a 3rd player in that game, I would be upset if Hardco did not resign.
If you are super weak and the game just becomes who can feed themself most from you, you should resign. (I am of course talking about games where you are going to be last). Not resigning is a bad thing. Thats why you should play accordingly and that often means timeing the war so they cant resign in age 4. Maybe you cant, but then you take your 7p and move on.
On a very general level, I disagree that the game mechanic should reward the more balanced playing strategies as if they were superior to other approaches. If I have for some reason failed to get culture early on and plan on a big war and then somebody resigns, it is kinda rude. The point of the game is not to have the best economy, the point is to end up with more culture than others. If, in the meantime, someone gets run over, it is often poor judgment in keeping up with military. So overall, a better mechanic in war resolution when somebody resigns mid-war would be great. 7 seems quite low instead of say 40-50.
As this tournament will not be going any further I would like to leave it. but because the stage isn't completed yet there is no way to leave. Could this be solved please.