Please count me out for the rest of the tournament. Good luck and fun for all other players.
Schlangenfuerst ok
Why am I at negative points, I never left a game and tie for most wins in my group.
Dunedain NIVAHONA you time out
LaoHuang what should you do in a situation like this then? Continue playing against AI? What if you then lose against AI?
PontiusPilatus resignation ,and you win,Do not abandon or time out.
Hello, I accidentally dropped from this tournament, then immediately rejoined. Now I’m waiting on a spot to open. Will I be able to participate? Thanks!
kuzmich ok
Hi! I thought the groups were supposed to be random, but they are clearly alphabetical by username. As a result, I'm playing the exact same people as last month. Is this intentional?
petite-lambda Thanks for your advice. I will try use Random in next season.
There is a problem in group11.only 5players,Die12 is not in it. If this match can continue, I will give Die12 5 points.
LaoHuang In my group it is the same - all the same players once more. Did You rearange groups by points and ranking? Seems like it is not done this time :/
LaoHuang Hi! I'm in group 11, so I've got a game where I'm the only active player. However, I can't finish it because it crashes both on PC and mobile. What should I do?
I tried many times to group everyone according to the ranking until 2 a.m., but the import of the file failed. I will continue to try next season and group all personnel according to the ranking.
LaoHuang It already worked for the first few groups. I think, what you should add is: When rank is tied, sort the list randomly, not by names. (Every table program like excel should have a function for that). If you don't do that, many people will face the same opponents again and again. Also: thank you for organizing; i think this is an interesting format!
report bug to official
DANeo Good suggestion.Good suggestion.Next month I will rank according to your suggestions and group all players according to the ranking. I put the scores of all players on the Internet from the 13th to the 14th of each month. Is anyone willing to help manage this match? thank you.
Thank you very much for official support. Group 11 has been repaired and can play normally
Hello, my game with manulao is frozen (he has to send colonization forces, but my time is counting down), I reported it officially a day ago, but no reply. I will run out of time in 12 hours. Is there anything I can do? Thanks!
justinkejs There is no other good way but to wait. If there is still no official repair on the 8th of next month, please let me know.