LaoHuang created the tournament on 2020-07-06
Good luck everybody!
GL everyone!
Uhm... all ten games at once? That is a bit heavy...
I would also have preferred to not have all games start at once. But it's up to Huang as the organiser. Personally for me all games at once is possible because it's medium async and not faster.
I agree with KarlThomas, 10 games at once is a bit much. I am definitely not playing as optimally as I could, as I don't have the time to put much thought into each round.
Something went wrong in few matches... System wrote that all players timed out
Congrats, mushan!
The title is protected! Congratulations mushan! Impressive playing! Thanks to everyone for this amazing competition!
Congratulations, Mushan! And to you all, I am really impressed by the expertise exhibited in the games. I look forward to compete with you all again! I have learned a lot!
Thans you everyone. I’m so lucky to win the tournament again among all the strongest players. Thanks to LaoHuang for organizing the amazing tour. Can’t wait to compete with you guys again in the following seasons.
Congrats Mushan and a big thank you to LaoHuang! WP all!
Congrats Mushan! Great tourney, looking forward to play again against you all!