Group 6: Daemon3142 lost to both opponents he is tied with so he finishes 3rd.

    Group 7: Tie between Darthpsyonic, dannymcbride and LaoHuang will be decided by player defeating the 1st place holder. Dannymcbride defeated Rhizom so he is the 2nd player advancing to next stage.

      ChipsAhoya I have talked with pajada and he gave me great tips for tiebreakers. I apologize I havent thought of it before the tournament launched but better late then never.:-) Complete tiebreaker rules are now in description!

        14 days later

        If my opponent timed out do I need to finish that game or can I just abandon also?

        Thanks so much for organizing this skaiwalker. It’s been a blast!

        Skaiwalker typically what I’ve seen is a time-out is just an auto-loss and win.

          ChipsAhoya i am not sure but the points in chart stands, if you dont win vs computer, time out player gets -1 and you get 0 and i think if you abandon as well you get -1 also i think

          jskunsa wp jskunsa, i tied you for 2nd place but you win mutual match so gl in final stage.🙂

            Skaiwalker it’s fine now because it doesn’t make a difference but a time-out should be an auto-loss and auto-win. You shouldn’t be forced to play the computer.

            ChipsAhoya I will think about it for next time but for current stage you need to win vs computer to receive points

            8 days later

            Who else is hoping for the 5 way tie

              I wasnt 😃 otherwise Freddy would win the tiebreaker by beating kyshantry

                Congratulations to our TOP8. Gl guys and have fun!

                  Was anyone else in the same starting group? Zegs and I have been in the same group each stage.

                    ...just a fun fact

                      4 days later

                      jskunsa stage 3 is just 1 group so its about being in the same group in stage 1 and 2 and since there were 14 groups originally and then 7 players per group in 4 total groups in next stage, people had to play vs players they played before. Just statistic fact.🙂

                        16 days later

                        GG all. I would have liked to see BO3 for first if there is a tie score at the end but as it is, the position has been decided by tie breaker