Pescanova Ok so now I finally see exactly what happened so I can judge the situation. I have talked with pajada and we both agreed on this: Declaring a war with only one purpose, which is to threaten others not to do this against me in the future is absolutely unaccaptable and if I ever see this doing anyone again there will be 100% ban and I will state it in my rules! This time Pescanova will get just a HUGE WARNING!!! I am sure that if you do this in a friends tournament they will not play with you again. Its kind of similar as if you say: If you declare a war against me I will find you and hit you in the face! It is just a hostile act and has nothing to do with logic and tactics! I can see the point but it is absolutely unaccaptable. It wasnt stated clearly in rules and that is the only reason why I am not giving you a ban!
lfrantisek I am sorry that you were so negatively affected by this. If you do not advance due to this and you would otherwise advance then I will give you extra advancing slot! Pajada told me he will not continue in the event because of being too busy and he said that I should give you his slot if you have enough points to advance adding extra points from that game.