silent_x111 created the tournament on 2020-09-30
MTC234P Season2
Do all 9 games start at once? Or are they spread out?
slig123 Sorry, I just see it. As you see, the are spread out
What should I do if the opponent timed out in first round?
Finally good description of tournament structure. I wonder where you took inspiration for that!
Ioannis3 Play as usual please
Hey, got a problem, in my duel game, neither me or my opponent can move, after hitting "next turn" nothing happens and "next turn" vanishes, opponent timed out, i cannot do anything, cant resign cause its first round, if i abandon i pressume there will be severe punishment... what to do?
Alyx I am sorry for it, but I can not help you.
I wish the suport can help you to solve the problem.
Send an Email to them. Good Luck.
well i have no other option than abandon it, otherwise this tournament round wont end because my timer is on halt (AI turn, "allmost your turn"), hope you wont ban me from other tournaments
Alyx I will invite you
I played all my 4p games in 2nd stage against the same players. Was it just chance, or a design? I expected to play against most, if not all players across the 9 games.
brainac Hi, it is Random. But I agree with you the CGE Random algorithm has some problem. But it is still fair, anything can be happen to anyone
Thanks for the season! Now I wil play with Martin_Pecheur in Bo11!
@Skaiwalker A little pity, you are also very good (as usual) in this season~