I was musing what can you tell to other player during a game (live pen and paper or in chat)
1) can you tell "if you take that card I will declare war to you!"
2) can you tell (having Fleming) "player A is without defense everyone can attack him!"
obviously you can lie in both cases

what I mean how much psicological pressure can you exert on other player, it's prohibited by the rules or it's just a question of table rules?

obviously only using in game knowledge

    FabioMP Up to your gaming group, I guess. Usually players keep silence in anonymous games, but you can always initiate some discussions. If the others fall for it and respond in kind, you can certainly do this kind of teasing. I have found new gaming friends this way. 🙂 Although, be careful with things like Fleming. If you don't know the players, they might take it badly.

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