pajada Is it possible to provide us with the actual snapshot of the tournament data? The server timeout issue does not seem to be solved soon.
I think the issue is now fixed. Atleast for me it is now possible to see the results from every group.
Weidenbaum Confirmed. @CGE Thanks.
G 21 and game 8, player sqwndw became an AI in age II. I report this just in case the system does not take it automatically into consideration.
Paoloco Thanks, it shown automatically.
Is there a mistake in description? First batch will start in June or in July?
Himmelstosh July, thanks for spotting the error. It's fixed now.
First time in tournament. Will the games just pop up in the game, or are there any additional steps required?
brainac The games will pop up automatically. But the start is in July... so still more than 4 weeks to sign up.
Greetings, is this tournament asynch or live? im level 37 from the philippines, hoping to join 🙂
What is the time out limit? I will be camping for 5 days in August so need to know if I should withdraw.
12 hours per turn but then another 48 hours in reserve for each Age. So you would likely time out after 5 days if no moves are taken...
@pajada What will be the promotion rule for the lowest (wood) division, as there are fewer leagues in wood than in bronze? Similar as in the International Championship, i.e. at least the first two will promote, or something else?
weisswurst Yes, very similar to International as Intermezzo has just one more league. First and second place in Wood league will be promoted. In all other divisions only the winner of each league is guaranteed to be promoted.
Hi, game 1 in bronze is crashing every time I try to play, I’m going to be timed out. Sorry but not my fault. All other games running ok
RobertdeSable can you please write directly to please? Is it this game? Intermezzo Championship Bronze 1 game 1
Unfortunately I can’t as crashes before anything is possible, would need other player to report I think
RobertdeSable correct game
RobertdeSable Game is fixed now. It it happens next time, you just need to write the name of the game to and they will take a look.
The league was awsome. When do you expect to run the next season?