SpartacusImperator This has been discussed before in the International Champ thread with tournament organisers.
There's no hard or fast rules, just a policy to consider whether something is generally 'fair play' within the context of a competitive tournament. You of course are allowed to do things to deny a rival a chance at promotion - but do not go beyond the limit of fair competition - into unfair conduct that destroys the integrity of the game.
Some actions that are generally considered 'fair' play:
- 'hate' drafting cards to deny another person (even at the expense of your own game)
- seeding impacts that might be bad for you, in order to hurt another player more, or benefit a third player
- choosing not to take a beneficial action that results in player A claiming that benefit, to the detriment of player B (ie choosing not to build a stage of red cross, which in turn allows another player to build it and take the benefit - or choosing not to bid for a colony that you would otherwise win)
Prohibited actions that are considered unfair and ruin the integrity of the game:
- Declaring a war you can't win for the purpose of boosting another player's score (and/or disbanding your units in response to a war), or generally doing anything to intentionally weaken yourself to the benefit of another player
- Choosing to not defend an aggression (when you are able to) for the purpose of benefiting a third party.
Just think if what you are doing is 'tough but fair' and in the spirit of a very competitive competition - or just plain unfair.