zadokk this is a great effort, thanks for organizing! Super excited about the tournament!

Curious what's the reason for the no-team-pacts rule? To mitigate potential imbalance caused by randomness in military cards? So that one team gets all the pacts and gets a big advantage?

Straszyk that's a great suggestion! That's a rule that WILL be overlooked otherwise.

    Goldan Hi Goldan, well there was a discussion on the discord channel about pacts. First i was thinking to allow them, but after good arguments from very good players, I decided to forbid it.
    The main arguments:

    • in fact we play a 2p game (2 teams) and in 2P there are no pacts.
    • pacts from the point of design give you a bonus, but also something to an opponent. With pacts however in one team, you got double bonus, which seems too strong
    • some pacts will really be way too strong, so the luck factor will be too deterministic. fe. open borders, scientific corperation, international tourism...

    So our opponents have already offered and accepted a pact during our first match, Group 17. Is there anything that we need to do? I'm guessing there is no way to revert this?

    schwam Ow that is unfortunate. Reverting is not possible. Maybe if they cancel the pact immediatly and it did not effect the game a lot and you are ok with that...if not, it is a game loss.

      schwam Thanks to this comment I realized that there is this new rule, which was different when the tournament was first created. My guess is that there will be many people thinking it's allowed as they will not re-read the tournament rules..

      is there a way to push a communication to all participants?

      Also somehow I don't see my current opponents in the gdoc. Is it complete?

      And thanks a lot for creating this tournament, I'm anticipating lots of fun! 😊

        FoLKeN91 Hi, the only way to communicate is via this board, or via the google doc or in discord.
        On the google doc, i see your teams and opponents. on the tab pairings round 1, you see your match on table 37. Then on the teams tab, you see team 111 team plitch with the two members.

        But the pact issue is a tough one...probably one thing to improve. Pajada asked if cge could remove the pacts from the draw deck, but that was not possible so easily...

          Pact between team members also in Group 22. We decided that canceling asap is fine and we go on from there.

          Eepogi great if you can solve it in a smooth way like this...tx a lot

            I canceled the pact in our game against schwam, they very helpfully noted the rule in the game chat, since obviously we were not aware of it. We didn't win any colonies, but it's possible I kept stones from the extra boxes on the turn it was active.

            guppyfry Nice that you are all so sportmanslike! great

              We messed up and as i noticed we're not the first ones to do so. We completely missed the no-pacts-to-teammates rule and I offered Naval Trade Agreement to my teammate and he accepted. Fortunately, there was absolutely nothing that changed the match in any way. My teammate hasn't played his turn yet, so if he cancels it immediately, is it fine to continue the game?

                wittr Sure, is also first round, so rules are friendly at the moment. It is a bit a mess the no pact rule...but indeed cancel it asap.

                  Reporting team pacts in Group 7 Game 1.

                  On round 3 the player BoB94 made a Open Borders pact with his teammate thedayne. At the end of the turn BoB94 received an extra military card because of this pact.

                  On round 4 the player thedayne made a Naval Trade pact with BoB94. thedayne got +1 colonization, and BoB94 got 2 blue cubes. They also both received extra military cards because of the first pact.
                  Later the players canceled the pacts, but there has been at least 2 rounds since then. The first pact was canceled on round 5, and the second one on round 6.

                  I think the advantage provided by the pacts during the 2 rounds can influence the game.

                  According to the rules team pacts are prohibited.

                  Would it be reasonable to claim a win for MadAvenger and Snowgolem in that game?

                  We got a bit of an issue as we didn't pay much attention to pacts rules. We expected them to be removed of the team games somehow. Game started and enemy team used open borders at the start of round 3 and kept it until round 9 playing an intensive strenght based game. At round 9 it was replaced by scientific cooperation, and they started using it, I then notified them that it wasn't allowed according to the rules and they better cancel it as soon as possible as we were discussing if we were going along or not. They chose to both play events, unfolding more str event and kept using the scientific pact. Considering they were both sitting on 2 science income since the beginning of the game due to their playstyle, the scientific pact allowed them to catch up greatly their complete lack of tech. On our end, at round 8 we concluded the trade route agreement that was used once on turn 9 and we haven't played since.
                  We would be fine with a rematch if it's possible as they got quite favored by repeated use of pacts or default win if not possible as they chose not to revert the situation when made aware of it.

                  Sorry for the inconvenience and thank you for the idea of team tournament

                  Hi zadokk,
                  First of all fantastic idea, thx for organizing that.
                  We have just finished first game. Great feeling.
                  But now we have double checked the rules and we, and team we played, we used pacts between team-mates 🙁((( Totally miss this rule somehow.
                  I guess we will be disqualified🙁 That’s a really pity because game was very close and very good not both teams.

                  StefanGreatFirst We had a 2 pacts and they have as well two pacts. We age 1-2 and they 2-3. For sure both pacts had impact on both sides. Totally missed this rule 😩