I understand that lots of people did not read the NO Pacts rule.
Therefore as from next round, there will be a NEW pact rule:
Pacts are allowed.
However, every team has the right to ask for a no pact rule at the start of the game. So you write "no pacts" in the chat at the start of the game. If, the other team offers and accept a pact anyway, it will be an automatic gameloss.
If no contract was made at the start of the game, pacts are allowed.
For this round, I hope we can finish and find solutions for the pact games. It is the first round, so all is still possible and we are learning and adapting.
If you both played pacts without knowing the rule, we'll keep the end score.
In other cases, we will have to look case by case, and maybe some games will be replayed (rematch).
Sorry for the inconvenience.