At the start of tournament I was worried that some players didn't read rules. Now I am worried this tournament will last forever. Pace in some groups is disgusting 🙁

    Well, first one turned out to be prophetic :p

      Straszyk That's true. Considering the pace, it is a fact that with so many players, some people will play slower to whatever reason. I could also have chosen for fast async, but then there is the risk of lots of timeouts...but let's see for season 2. If people prefer that, then let's change it. I understand that for the quick players it is a pain to wait. Take it as an excercise in Vipassana meditation or something like that :-)

      zadokk I noticed that there is same pattern in every group A1 B1 B2 A2. That's nice. I'm wondering do u plan to change order of Teammates next season? I mean A2 B2 B1 A1 ?

        Straszyk Hi, is that in every group like that? The people at CGE told me it was random. So that I could not put people in seats...but maybe it is not. So for next round, I do not know. i think it will be again random, or the same as it is now...

          I didn't check every group. After I checked more than 10 I assumed that this pattern is in every group. I was surprised. I checked it only because my friends have the same turn order

            20 days later

            zadokk is the last game actually still going? I thought timeouts would have kicked by now. I wonder if you could set date limits and declare incomplete games ties or in favour of the current game leaders.

              salvor7 Hi, I checked the games and they are still running. No timeouts. Maybe for next round, I could shorten the reserve time from 2d to 1d.

              Toglietemi da questo torneo ridicolo. Voglio cancellarmi. Grazie

                Gabriele Hi, I will remove you from the tournament. Could you please give me some feedback what you did not like? I like to capture feedback to improve it for next season. Thank you.

                  For other teams that want to leave the tournament, please inform me before the round starts, so we avoid the situation that a team has to sit out a game. Thank you.

                    Giocando a coppia le squadre sono troppo sbilanciate e non hai possibilità di risalire una volta in difficoltà. Il gioco ha le sue regole perché modificarle?

                      I just checkt our points form the first round and I'm afraid something went wrong. Me and my partner (The Gamers) made 2 and 1 points our opponents (Avengers) made 3 and 0 points. But according to the google.doc file we lost the first game. Could you please review the results. To avoid this in the future do we need to claim our points seperate from the other team?

                        Franzy Hi, I am afraid my communication could be better. WIth points I meant culture points. Like it is stated in the example we calculate the total of culture and the team with the most culture points wins. The 3-2-1-0 have no meaning in this championship. I use it, because I have to put in a number there. So in your case team the Gamers have 460 points(244 + 216) and Avengers have 491 points (296+195), so they win. Sorry for the misunderstanding, I will change the wording.

                          One of our opponents timed out and is a bot. Do we play it out? We’re still in age I.

                          Group 34 game 1 to be specific

                            kwarrend You can play it out if you like. Anyway, it is a win for your team. You can also concede if you do not want to finish it