Hi Alex. What speed setting were you playing on? One of the great things about online play is the multitude of speed options available. If you feel like you're being rushed by the timer, try a slower speed setting next time. Also remember that as well as your turn timer, you are also given an amount of "reserve" time each age. There's nothing wrong with using your reserve!

I was talking about the transition at the lvl 10 from live blitz to super blitz. It feels bad, that you have only 5 minutes for age A and Age 1, but you have 5 minutes of reserve time for Age 4. I think a 2 min reserve time for age A would solve the problem with afk people and give a nice buffer for slower players.

    GoguGeologul If live blitz was comfortable for you, but super blitz is too fast, there's nothing stopping you from still playing on the live blitz setting. Super blitz isn't available until level 10 for this exact reason (it's too fast for newer players who are still learning). If you feel level 10 is still too early for you, that's not a problem at all. I'm level 42 and don't play blitz games!

    Man do you understand what I am saying? Let me make this easy for you:
    Age A 1 turn 1 minute
    0 min reserve time
    Age 4 1 turn 2 minutes
    5 min reserve time
    Do you see the difference? And in Age A an extra time to look at the cards (in the random mix) is helpful

      In Age A you have 1-4 actions to use to take cards from the card row only. Your options are extremely limited. If you are the first player you literally only have 5 cards to choose from. If you're not the first player, you can take a look at the Leaders/Wonders summary page before your turn (and that's all that you should need to look at during a mixed game, as all of the other cards are always the same).

      In Age IV you will often have 7+ civil actions and 4+ military actions on top of a political action. Your (and your opponents') game board situations will be significantly built up, and you will have some (incomplete) knowledge about end-game scoring through what's in the events decks. There's more to do and a lot to think about in terms of how to optimise your final score. Not to mention you may have to dip into that reserve twice if you are later in turn order and get two turns in Age IV.

      So yes, I do think more time is needed in Age IV than in Age A. Regardless, my point stands that if you are feeling rushed by the timer in Super Blitz (or any speed setting for that matter), there are other options available which offer more time. Why are you so determined to play in Super Blitz when it clearly does not suit your level of experience with the game?

      No, I am not a dev. I didn't realise I needed to be in order to help others on the game forums. Regardless, my responses to you have received support, including from a CGE Admin.

      Your previous posts clearly suggested you were an inexperienced player struggling with the game timers at faster speed settings. If that's not the case then I am not sure I understand the purpose of this thread. As there's nothing more to discuss, I'll leave it at that.

      In my opinion, new players who don't know the cards by heart really shouldn't be trying to play super blitz. It's reserved for level 10 but that doesn't mean they have to jump to that speed at level 10. They can continue to enjoy the game at regular blitz where they have more time to read and move on to super blitz when ready.

      If we give more time to super blitz, this will take away enjoyment for the players who are ready for that level and are looking for faster play.

      Japhet you think having a 2 min reserver time for age or 1 minute, thus speeding up the game when you have a DC would take the fun away? I am not having waiting 5 min to see if we remake

        GoguGeologul Ok I see your point about the DCs. I'd rather optimize for that than for new players.

        1 min reserve seems fine for Age A. Then it resets to 5 min on turn 2.

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