Thisisnotasmile created the tournament on 2023-01-05
The Eiffel Tower
admin thisisnotasmile, thanks for organizing, The Eiffel Tower looks very promising!
I'd like to propose you to consider more flexible group structure / promotion-relegation rules.
For example:
1) Pyramid structure with 1 group in A, 2 groups in B, 4 groups in C division and so on
2) Double/triple promotion system. For example, top 2 players will promote 3 divisions up, players 3-5 will promote 2 divisions up, players 6-9 will promote 1 division up
3) Any promotion at all, but using Glicko rating every year for seeding instead.
Otherwise, if let us say, 200 players would participate, it takes 7 years (!!) for future Weidenbaums to reach the top level division.
wolvs Thanks for your feedback. We've currently got enough for 4 leagues so it wouldn't quite take 7 years to get to the top! I get your point though. When I know how many leagues we will launch with I will consider the structure and will definitely think about how I can implement the double-promotion suggestion, which I think is a good idea. I would like to keep the league structure more linear than pyramid though, as this is supposed to be different to the other competitions already out there.
Hey everyone. Just to let you know CGE are working hard behind the scenes to support the preparation of the tournament, but there are complications with having so many games and preparing the weekly batch schedule. The last thing I would want is for this to go wrong and launch you all in to 44 games at once! We hope to still launch the first batch this weekend, but it may be Sunday rather than Saturday as planned. Thank you for your patience.
Thanks everyone for your patience as there was a slight delay in launching the tournament. Many thanks to CGE for their support in this process!
As we launched a few days later than planned, I intend to start games for the first handful of batches 6 days apart. This will continue until we begin batch 6 on the 8th April, and from then on we will all get a new game each Saturday (except for batches 5, 15, 25 and 35 where we will all get 2 games).
Good luck, and contact me here or on Discord if there are any issues.
TTA Discord, for anyone not already there:
If you need another player to join mid season, or if there's a list of alternates somewhere, i would love to join in
- Edited
Hi, I have a problem in one game (2p, vs covfefe, JIRUTATA code) I ended my turn yet it says it is my turn in lobby. In game it says it is covfefes turn. But I see only my time running out..
I have a 2-player game where my opponent timed out. Can I resign at this point and still get credit for a win?
roverandom sorry I didn't see this. Looks like the issue was resolved and you won the game. Congrats!
Lothar Yes you can.
Hi! Is there some way to drop from the tournament?
I recently don´t have much time to play TTA tournaments so i was resigning all my games, but i just saw that it was a full year league. So, is there a way to avoid having to resign/timeout every game in order to not bother the rest of the players and getting my rating further destroyed in the process?
Fleepa0 Sorry, no, it's not possible. I know this format is not perfect for everyone, I am sorry you realised it's not for you mid-way through the season. I have just launched batch 28 of 40. You are welcome to continue resigning or timing out of your games, or if you do get the time/desire you might decide to play a few games out. You can opt not to re-join for 2024.
Thank you to everyone who has joined for 2024. Despite a number of people opting not to play for a second year, we've reached a HUGE 200 players this time around. The groups are prepared and I have some support from CGE during the week to set up the complex game schedule for the year ahead. If all goes to plan, we will begin to play next weekend. Bon chance!
I think we will start next weekend instead. The games have been created but still need to be split into batches. This works out quite nicely for me as I'm hosting 9-player Western Empires tomorrow so not really an ideal day for me to be launching a tournament too!
Eiffel Tower batches are all sorted and I'm a bit quiet on the TTA front so I'm going to launch batch 1 and move to the planned regular Saturday schedule from next week. This means we'll have the final games in progress before December begins. Good luck everyone!
Hi, there ja an issue regarding the gardens Game 302 (Code DUMIBEPE) because this 3p-Game was never displayed for me and it seems like it was the same for the other player (although) Alex dropped out of several other games aswell. Both of us didnt play a single turn.
Can you restart this game so that we have the chance to play the game?
I came over the problem by accident because I tried to reconstruct my pointstotal. Its pretty annoying that this bug(?) not only cost me to play the game and the chance to win some points but also it gave me -2 points for the "dropout".
Best wishes
GrafZahl Hey, sorry I've only just seen your message. I can see that you both timed out on turn 1 as you said. I have contacted your opponent vbogoev to check they would be okay with the game being replayed. If so, I will reach out to CGE support to see if it can be done. I'm not even sure if it's possible but if it is and vbogoev is in agreement then I am happy for the match to be replayed. Sorry that this has affected you and thanks for playing in my tournament!
GrafZahl vbogoev has agreed to a rematch, if it's possible. I've asked the tournament expert at CGE if they're able to set it up. I'll let you know what they say.
GrafZahl New game started.