One "quick" update on resignation and timing out. I have been thinking about how to deal with resignation and time outs in terms of tie breakers (culture differential) for standings within your group.
I have decided that resignation or timing out will be considered as a score of 150-0 (so a culture different of +/-150) .
If this had been stated at the start of the tournament, it may have caused some teams to resign their first game to prevent losing by 150+ plus culture. Therefore, EVERYONE'S FIRST GAME ONLY will be considered to have a max point differential of 150 to be fair as fair as possible.
So for example, my game ended with my team winning 379 - 183. Even though the culture difference is +/- 196 it will be considered as +/- 150 in the case of a tie breaker.
All other games will not have this max point differential, so consider resigning if you're getting stomped 😁