Thank you for your reply. Another question is whether the resignation is regarded as the abandoned game. I'm concerned about that, because it's very likely that more than one of us will end up with the same score in this group, and I resign one game.

Something wrong with the result of my game Premier League 4th Division (A) game 23. I didn't have time out

Wanderlust No, resignation is not regarded as the abandoned game. Only timeout will be treated as abandonment

    Kostello I checked this game, indeed, a strange situation. I'll include this in the final spreadsheet table, so you don't have to worry about it 🙂

      5 days later

      Hi Kenvi. There's a game in my division, code KOMADURE. The opponent timed out, so if AI is ignored in scoring then Dayvs was supposed to be given a win. However he lost against a bot. So the final scoring of the division should've been bith him and me 14pts, but he won a game against me, so he should've been named winner of our division.
      We still both move a division upwards, but I'm always for fair play, and he should get the credit of finishing 1st. So you can update the result in the spreadsheet 🙂

      Hi, can I be removed from season 2. (I'm assuming that if I play season 1, I'm automatically enrolled in the next season, but maybe thats not the case..). I like the format btw, but just no time to play anymore.

      Mark0n Hello. Once all games are completed in a division, I will check every game that ended in a timeout to ensure that the winning points will be awarded to the player who played until the end

        _Melkor Hello, I understand and hope you will come back to us in the future. Thank you for the information and best regards

          11 days later


          Some love needed in the 8th Division. Many games not started.


            MarryMeVlaada Hello, thank you for pointing out that, indeed, not all matches started, strange. I did it manually, now it should be ok.

              8 days later

              Hi, I get an operation on Friday (17.11) and I have to stay in the hospital for two days, and I'm not able to play. Can I get extra time for this period? thx

                baggioka Hello. I'll see what I can do. You have two days of reserve time, but in this situation I know it may not be enough.

                I wish you all the best and I hope the surgery goes well 🙂

                  3 months later

                  @Kenvi Hi, first a big thanks for organizing this tournament!! Nevertheless, after the current season 3 I have to take a break. There are too much tournaments ongoing right now and the World Championship starts (for me) in a few days... I am currently playing 5th Division (D) and I will stay at this level (not going "up" or "down".
                  Thanks again and probably we will meet again here or in another tournament...

                    HopeForLuck Hello, thanks for information. If you want to return to the game, you will go back to the fifth division (if there is a free slot)

                      @_Melkor yes, there is an option to return 🙂 If you choose, you will be placed in the same division you were in, provided there is an open slot. If there is no such free slot, you will be assigned to the highest possible division below the third one in which such a slot is available.

                        hi, after the update i can't play on my computer (steam)

                          @baggioka Hello. The problem is known to the developers, they are working on a hotfix. Some players found that deleting and reinstalling the app helped. If that doesn't help, you have to wait for a hotfix, I can't do anything about it

                            19 days later

                            Hi, Kenvi! I competed in the first season and came second in 3rd Division (B). If I want to compete in Season 4, what group will I be placed in?

                              Wanderlust Hello. All new players and those who withdrew for different reasons can reach a maximum of 3rd division - for this to be possible, there must be a free slot due to another player's resignation / not signing up / disqualification. You ended up in the third division - the same one you played in last time

                                2 months later

                                Will the group 8 season ever end?😂😂😂😂