Hi @pajada I also unfortunately misclicked on "Leave Tournament" (was Group 1 round 2). Can you include me back? Sorry and thanks!
Namian Error fixed. Huzzah for the devs 💪
Are the games been started autoamtically or do we have to start IT manually withing the group members?
maciejka The same question, it's my first tournament. I see my group , how I can join to the group game and play? checked forum and FAQ, didn't find the answer..
HLDM my two 4player games have started already but I am not sure if it was started automatically or one of the guys did it. They are not answering and one of them sent me here😉
Hello! In my games there was a player who timed out who now seems to be back in? If there was a error for the player it would be better to restart the games as thinking we woluld be playing against a bot makes an impact in the decisions we took.
Haxxorn hi Haxxorn, there were more possibilities how to fix this problem (restart, rewind) but I decided to just replace AI back to human player. I knew it can have some small impact on decisions of other players but because it happened early in the game and just a few rounds were played I decided for that.
Friends, it somehow happened that I did not receive notifications about the start of moves and all my time had expired, I went to check my games but was already deleted from them, maybe it’s possible for me to somehow return to the game
pajada could you please explain us how games are started?
maciejka When previous Stage is finished I prepare next stage and then start 4-player games. 7 days after that I start 3-player games, 7 days after that I start 2-player games.
In 2024 group 69 game 11 RiRu resigned and abandoned the game after beeing declared war upon. The rules say you should not do that. How will this be handled?
refs You're allowed to resign after having a war declared on you. That's not the same as abandoning.
jsjsj But then AI takes over? The player who declared war did not gain anything from RiRu because he abandoned
refs He resigned, not abandoned and it is in general fine according to the rules. The attacker should have gotten 7 culture and the game should have been omitted his turns (a bit like transforming the game into 3p)
Pajada this World Championship is amazing. Organisation is perfect. I am enjoying it big time.
Thanks a lot !
Could you please comment as to whether it is sportsmanlike/within etiquette to:
Mkucharz From asking around on Discord it seems that there's not a consensus on whether targeting players to improve your standing in the group is ok or not. I think most players are accepting of it as it's a grey area and you are competing for top place in the group not just an individual game. You certainly won't be sanctioned for it.
On the other hand I don't think you can talk about pacts in chat before offering them.
Hi. I am abroad and I accidentaly reseted my Phone to factory setting. I have trouble logging to my Google account to download the app again. Can I get some extra time please?
Thanks a lot for the competition, I'm having a blast !
Hello. Thanks for the tournament. Just a question. If my opponent in a two player game ran out of time, what is the procedure?
do I resign or abandon the game?
I am not in the mood to play against the AI.
maiquelPS in this case please resign.