World Championship 2025
Hi, same as Metz63, I just discovered that i am already out of time while I did not receive any announcement informing that the games has started...
How can I check my standing, can't find my username mobeza. Also when will next rounds start?
mobeza it looks like you were knocked out last round. You lost to Percival on a tiebreaker. Unlucky.
delonecarter that was unlucky
admin upper 47 game 9 has bug, game is locked, but mt time seems still counting down, what can I do now?
Oh what a shame, all 3 of my 2 player games have timed out and I never received a notification for whatever reason after the app has worked so well so far.
Guess that is me done
Iām in the middle of a two player game. Age III. It says it is my turn but it freezes during opponents play back and never gives me the option to play. Other two player games are running. Is this game glitched? My clock is ticking.
Crowther in case of these technical problems please contact directly CGE support via e-mail or #technical_support thread on TtA Discord