Marcin82 it is probably just a bug it will go away
Skaiwalker's All Around Championship 40+
Ok the tournament has started, the pairings are incredibly dumb, I dont know what i can do so that they are not that bad. It seems that almost everyone plays identical 4player games for all 5 games. At least its same for everybody. It is still competitive it just lacks variety. Developers should look into it. Good luck to everyone.
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I agree that abandoning does not belong to the game, and especially not for tournament matches. Resignation is the only acceptable method of quitting. But should this rule be more visible (and anything else that leads to being banned for future events) in the tournament info? Now it's more like a short afterthought at the end of the description. It's a real possibility that people might join without reading all of the description, so I think the important stuff should be the first thing to read.
The banning is for people that time out or abandon the game right after the start. And do that in multiple games. If you resign in hopeless game its absolutely ok.
Skaiwalker Yes, I play the 4p-players 4 times and some of my group once or not even once. The 4p games should be mixed a bit more.
Aftheiss it is all around championship meaning you will play all formats you can see it clearly in the description 4x 2p, 6x 3p and 5x 4p games total of 15 games released in 3 waves.
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Jorrig this is not my fault its problem for developers I could have set different number of players per group, probably a multiple of 7 thus 28 players in group instead of 32. 7 is probably the magical number for the pairings but i didnt know until now.
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Anyway its still a good tournament with a lot of good players so dont look at the details and just have fun guys and maybe learn a thing or two while playing.
Ok last wave. I finished already all my games so I guess its time. Good luck!
All 5x of my 4 player games have the exact same players. Is that expected?
No it's not. Pairings are automated and there is some flaw with the algorithm. Nothing to do about it now than just play. I think Skaiwalker might have reported it to CGE.
slig123 yes almost everyone plays identical 4p, its flaw of the algorythm just like Padishar said. Nothing I can do about it in current setting. If there was different number of players in group or different number of 4p games algorytm would change maybe.
Skaiwalker Got it, thanks! Also I just realized you had mentioned this in a previous post. Sorry for the duplicate question.
By the way, is there a reason 2p games are weighted so low with just 3p for the winner? The averages are (assuming you get each position with same likelihood in the games):
2p - 1.5 points per player
3p - 2.33 points per player
4p - 2.5 points per player
To me it would seem 4/0 points would be nice for duels. Still average would be 2/player, lower than 3er/4er. Now duel performance is a tad underrated in comparison.
Padishar It is up to a host how he weights each type of game, I personally value 4p games much more so i like this distribution and I have seen even more disproportional distribution like 5:0 for 2p and 10:6:3:1 for 4p. I used the default setting and i do like it.
Okey. I'm not a fan of 2p so it's no big deal to me However, it just feels weird that if a player goes 1st/2nd/3rd/4th in four 4p games, they'll end up with 10 points, and if they go 1st/1st/2nd/2nd in four 2p games they end up with just 6 points. It's like the same success rate in duels earns just 60% of the points, so the league doesn't seem "all around" but more like "4p+3p with a bit of 2p in the mix to get some tiebreakers".
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Padishar beating 3 opponents might be more then 3 times harder then beating 1 opponent. And it awards only 2x more points. One could argue that 2p awards more points then 4p in that sense. its just point of view.
But the explanation why it is 3 points and 6 points for winning is this: imagine a competition where there are 2 competitors and both are of same skill, then chance of being 1st is 50%.
Now imagine competition of 4 people where all are of same skill. Then chance of winning is 25%. Do you see it? 4p has 2 times lower chance of winning the game then 2p thus awards 2 times more points. So it is exactly the same value!
The only ‘unfair’ points are in 3p. There should be just 4.5 points for 1st place in that logic but it rounds it up to 5.
So to sum it all up you were right that the tournament is not overall balanced, but it is not in points for 2p game, which was completely fine. It is in 3p points and in games distribution. There should be less 3p games and more 2p games.
You are right in terms of winning, but other placements award points as well. I was just looking at the overall contribution the 2p games have on the total possible score, and 2p success doesn't do much there. But as I said, it's totally fine for me that 2p games serve more as bonus points and the 3p/4p games is where the bread of the competition is.
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Ok all top8 is set just one last game is to be finished. Top 8 will play 7x 2p so that everyone plays with each other, 6x 3p and 3x 4p. Total of 16 games.