Grand Prix 4p Open Tournament 30+
No I'm trying to improve the tournament based tournaments I play with better players. I'm still demolishing
The meeple league has been running years and has a rules system set up by pro gamers
How many points would players estimate are needed to move on to the next round?
@Skaiwalker The game 10 in group 15 seem to be broken... I did my turn and JuanitosCz got timed out and now it asking to « check the game » and offer me to (re)do my turn. I’ve been trying to do so, but it never succeeded in finishing the turn, having that planet turning around in the top right corner forever. Will see if it solve by itself at one point, but just wanted to let you know.
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St-Amadeus if it doesnt work soonish can you please report it directly to CGE via app-> contact support. Or at least tell me here. Thank you.
Skaiwalker I wrote to CGE and the issue has been fixed. It now proceeding to Juanitos turn, he may have been timed out because of the issue. Stay tune for the following...
Does anyone know how the scoring works for this round?
Valcurdra scoring is in the description: 6-3-1-0
I’m not sure if I’m being stupid but I have a record of 3-3-1-2 and I have only 25 points in the table, shouldn’t I have 28?
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eggmancs there is -1 point penalty for abandoning or timing out in a game. Or what can also make this is a tie. Maybe combination of tie and timing out. What grouo are u playing?
Hello! Say, I am right on the bubble to make it to the next round, and I am done with all my games for now. Do I get notified via email if I advanced? I assume not, but thought I would double check.
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Crazybastard77 top 4 players from each group advance, if you do advance games will be automatically started for you when next stage starts and you will be notified via game that you have your turn. That is if you have your notifications on.
Skaiwalker OK thanks. I admit I am a bit impatient. In the group 5 I am in, I am a little puzzled at how the same four players have two games remaining while everyone else is done. I assumed you would never play duplicate games, as in playing the same three opponents in multiple games. But no big deal.
If a player times out, do they count for scoring? For example, lets say the player who abandoned ended up in third place. Does the last place player still get one point, as if the abandoning player resigned?
Hello, how are ties broken? There is possibly a case where I will be tied for 4th place in my group. We have a varrying number of 1sts, 2nds, etc.
Isaca10 looks like we have a theee-way tie for 3-5 in group 9, so I’m interested in this as well
Almost had a 2 way tie in my group, but it was decided by 1 point IN THE GAME
trieshard No abandon player in this example receives -1 point but the last player still receives 0 points. Computer receives 1 point for 3rd place but he doesnt compete.:-)