kopu what do you mean by timed out bug? Was game frozen? If you run out of time you don't see that game anymore in app.

    pajada I mean that when I run game (mobile app) then I go to network game then I cannot see any games from tournament (so I am not able to play it) but looking at games in silver 1 I can see that I am part of 3 games (one is finished because me and someone else lost by timed out and 2 in progress).

      kopu From organizer view I can see that you run of time in all three games.

      • kopu replied to this.

        Hi Pajada.. how can I view finished games from my league.

        pajada Yeah, I run out of time because I was not able to play (I was not able to join any of these three games, because these games were invisible in my app)... I will play the rest three and maybe I will stay in silver.

          14 days later

          There is a bug in the game, I can't take my card for 2 consecutive political actions after International Agreement.

            3 political actions to be skipped to be correct

              ShiLin game should be fixed now, please try it.

                5 days later

                Thanks for the tournament. Apologies for 2 timeouts in my earliest games. I seemed to have missed the phone alerts again and forgot to login on PC as I usually do each day to play 🙁

                  2 months later

                  @pajada This is my first time every playing in this tournament. Will I start in wood or bronze division? How does that work?

                    RiteInUrEye with 555 players signed up it will be Wood (very probably).

                      15 days later

                      My game seems to have broken. No longer loading properly when I try to open it. Just get a black screen. I still am involved in one game from my first flight and obviously the second flight that starts tomorrow. Not sure what can be done, but apologies to my opponents if they have to wait for my account to go AI.

                        pajada kinda weird as Im in that game too and had just won the colony after the time out- except now its rewound but I already saw the cards that the colony brings (Strategic Territory)…..

                          My game still isn't working properly. Some progress though, as now it loads to the main TTA screen but nothing else populates on the screen. So no option to click online games or local games or anything.