Kinda sounds like you’re having a massive hissy fit over losing tbh. Yes, king making is annoying and it happens from time to time, and Ive certainly had the odd-win snatched from me by a military player doing 3 wars of culture in a row against a no-hoper. But its part of the game, there are a number of things you can do to mitigate it, its something you have to keep in mind at all times, imo the best players will rarely be affected by it… and like any 3+ player game, there will always be things beyond your control.
But to time out all your games and refuse to play because you didnt win is pretty self-indulgent and self-pitying. Now your opponents have to play the whole rest of the tournament against an AI and that sucks for everyone. You signed up for 7 games, so just play them out and dont sign up again next season. Or at least just resign….