Thanks for the quick reply and apologies for my slow reply! If I have won one and lost one shouldn't I be back to rank 7 then?
Thyrus no, now your rank is 5. Win adds one, second changes nothing, third subtracts one. So in this case your rank would remain 5. Also rank could change according to Glicko rating quarterly updates.
Hi wolvs, I will probably not be able to attend season 5. If you could be so kind to leave me out of the season to rejoin in season 6 I would appreciate. Thanks and regards
cibernyam I will send you invite for 6th season too (even if you miss the 5th one)
It's been months since the glicko ratings have been updated. It's a great format, but do we know when the next update is going to be?
Barnstormer Pajada updates rating quarterly. Last update was this month, so the next one should be on September
hi, after the update i can't play on my computer (steam)
baggioka CGE team is working on it
Hi, could you please remove me from the tournament? Thanks!
helloooooooooooooooooooo! is there a discord?
ruby_buby yes, 2nd row of tournament description contains link to discord channel
wolvs thanks, boss